Author, illustrator, and experimental esotericist Eric Millar -- The Garbage Wizard himself --returns to the show to talk about his latest work, An Assemblage of Disparate Parts. Following up our last conversation about OG comic book culture, philosophy, and mysticism, Eric's latest work is a decidedly critical strike at the concepts of the "scholar", the "professional", the "accredited", and the "accepted". Eric takes some unique approaches in his critiques as well, noting the philosophy of collage work itself, and the symbolic implications therein.
In a way that reminded me just a little bit of Fight Club's destructive philosophical wit, I tell Eric that his latest work reminds me of something like Tyler Durden on one of his easier-going days. In this vein of thought, Eric describes what he affectionately describes as "garbage wizardry" among many other descriptions. In essence, this is an idea of trash and treasure being perspective, and how that perspective in relation to any object can serve as a deep psychological catalyst for change if used properly. In Eric's point of view, a magic eight-ball is as mystical and divinatory as you make it.
Anyone can be a wizard -- even with garbage and grime -- if you apply it properly.
Eric also goes into some detail about depersonalization and what he calls "The Grey Man" persona, discussing how the two knee-jerk reactions to oppression are a desire to rebel, or a desire to blend in. As well, we talk a bit about finding self awareness through your own honest artwork, and we talk about relating to and interacting with the inner child within us all -- even shedding some light on fatherhood from Eric's perspective and the things he's learned while raising a child with his own mind so mystically-oriented.
Lastly, we even get into the double edged sword of social medial a bit. People keep talking about the "collapse of Twitter", so Eric and I pose that if honest art makes you more self-aware, honest social media seems to be psychiatrically designed to bring some of the worst out in us. Granted, it's not completely useless and it has its benefits, but it was designed with so many existential pitfalls, that it seems as if it could be creating rampant thought-forms that are becoming autonomous in their own rights. Whatever be the case, it certainly seems like social media brings the worst out of people all too often. But we don't get on a pulpit about it, this is just one of the many existential topics discussed!
My first conversation with Eric, centered around his work, The Four Color Grimoire -- all things philosophical, esoteric, and OG comic book culture.
Eric Millar's OUTLET PRESS
my website where you can find my books, Dive Manual and Hunt Manual
This week's featured music -- support that underground black hoodie rap and all your favorite indie artists!
