This week on Black Hoodie Alchemy, Seedperson1 and Chris are helping me wrap up our multi-episode deep dive about the modern scientific research done on extra-sensory perception in general. Over the last month, we've talked about Jung and synchronicity, chaos magick, quantum and chaos theory, JB Rhine and Duke University's decades of study into ESP, and the CIA's Project Stargate, which involved the heavy funding of the Stanford Research Institute (associated with the college) and The Monroe Institute. And, as you can probably imagine at this point, Project Stargate involved the CIA's Cold-War interest in astral projection, remote viewing, and other forms of ESP.
So for this week, we are going deeper into the practices of Robert Monroe and the Monroe Institute, talking more about remote viewing in the modern day, and getting deep into what the actual scientific studies can tell us about the psychology and neurology of the extra sensory perceptions.
If there's one thing we've learned in all these episodes, it's that you can't bend the world around you with your mind like putty -- but if you're trained and try hard enough, you can likely bend the chances in your favor with your mind far more than you can imagine. It's easier said than done, of course, but it's just like the butterfly causing a typhoon half-way around the world with the flap of its wing. It probably won't happen, sure... but it could. And in that chance alone, there's a tremendous amount of self empowerment.
Show Notes this week!
This week's featured music from the amazingly talented rapper SWITCH -- the epitome of that black hoodie rap! Switch is fuckin dope and I'm always especially glad to be able to bump the rappers holding it down for the underground. Salute!
