Welcome back to Black Hoodie Alchemy, folks! When it comes to the soul and modern science, a question often overlooked is: how could something help ensure our genetic survival after death? Well, we've got some considerations for you.
It's been almost long enough since the last episode to count as another mini-hiatus unfortunately, but hey cut me some slack. With the start of January, I had a weeklong trip in Georgia to see family and ended up nearly dying in the Emergency Room from a septic colon-response that emerged from norovirus. I'm all good now! But it mostly ruined the trip and gave me a solid week and a half of recovery before I could even get back into the swing of the basics. Not the best start to the New Year, but I'm thankful to be alive and running strong as ever!
That in mind, we're diving into all things to do with death this episode, and I'm joined by my longtime friend and collaborator Justin Otto -- host of Dharma Junkie Podcast and facilitator at Gulf Coast Dharma. Justin has been heavily steeped in Buddhist practice and study for years now, and while he prefers to call himself a 'Dharma Practitioner' instead of the pigeon-holed spiritual label, he is one of the best people to have around for a conversation like this.
With his help, I go through the seminal peer-reviewed scientific study done on reincarnation and natural selection, published in 2000, and titled: The Structure And Function Of Near-Death Experiences: An Algorithmic Reincarnation Hypothesis based on Natural Selection. This study gets DEEP talking about modern Near-Death Experiences, ancient and modern accounts of Out-of-Body Experiences, chaos theory, anthropology, physics and the nature of algorithms -- and even more!
We also take the time to talk about Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Ian Stevenson and his dedication in the last half of his esteemed career to the diligent scientific investigation of reincarnation. Conducted out of the University of Virginia and continued in ways to this day, Stevenson absolutely pioneered the topic of reincarnation as a serious shadow of doubt even for the scientific materialist. Truly, even minds like Carl Sagan were fascinated with what Stevenson was doing and his work still leaves a tremendous amount for us all to digest today!
We hope you dig the chat, stay safe out there, and remember to enjoy the small things in life!
See you in a couple weeks.
PS: We've also got some fresh updates for you straight from Tippy Patson and Jeff Mamba themselves -- don't forget to check it out at the commercial break!
Justin Otto on Insta
This week's featured music is brought to you by the titanic hip-hop talents of Unknown Mizery aka KING MIZO, Hex One, and Umang! These dudes are always holding it down for the underground with real muscle -- keep an eye out for their current releases and show em some love!
