This episode of Black Hoodie Alchemy is a seriously wild ride! The un-canonized Latin American 'Saint of Death' aka 'Santa Muerte' is essentially the Grim Reaper or Angel of Death moved to the forefront of Catholic folk magick. Along with other folkloric figures like Jesus Malverde, Santa Muerte is considered a "Narco Saint" and is a spiritual figure that not only helps us process and contextualize the death around us in digestible ways, but they as well will never turn a blind eye to the criminal's plight.
The Narco Saint is not one that judges -- it is one that appeals to the humanity in us all, and in a large sense, the Narco Saints are the saints of impoverished people that, when pushed to the brink have resorted to crime, despite the great shame they might feel for it. In some ways, they are the saints of the second chance, but there's a whole lot more to it than that.
In this episode we take the time to consider the historical contexts that brought about Santa Muerte as the growing and de-centralized folk religion it is today. We analyze some of the practices, philosophies, neighborhoods, and local figures that have become commonplace in this discussion, but unfortunately, these somewhat inspiring and endearing folk religion roots are not where this story ends.
While it is important to remember the wholesome roots that Santa Muerte has come from, it has also branched out and been taken hold of by many, many competing criminal cartels in Mexico for intimidation tactics -- and these tactics are about as violent and horrifying as one could possibly imagine.
These various cartel have become roving gangs of Richard-Ramirez-style murders and drug smugglers that are willing to perform all levels of black magick curses, incantations, and hexes in order to protect their assets and destroy those out to end them. They're even willing to perform human sacrifices, and do so very regularly.
I told you this was going to be a wild ride with a lot of twists and turns! So buckle up.
This week's featured music is brought to you some of the very greatest emcees of the underground! Don't forget to support that black hoodie rap and all your favorite independent artists!
